Learning Disorders

Common Functional Limitations

  • Ability to organize work

  • Time management problems

  • Conceptualization problems

  • Decision making problems

  • Maturity

  • Reading, writing and spelling

  • Math calculations

  • Auditory/visual memory

  • Form and spatial perception

  • Concentration

  • Attention to task

  • Visual motor problems

  • Abstract thinking

  • Following instructions

  • Self-image

  • Interpersonal relations

  • Impulse control

  • Unclear/vague communication style

  • Inability to focus on details

  • Sequencing problems

  • Relational distortions

Vocational Impediments

Learning disorders restrict the range of work a person can do effectively and efficiently. Often, the client needs help in understanding his/her limitations in order to make appropriate vocational choices. Individuals with learning disorders are frequently limited in the jobs available to them. In addition, they may need special assistance to handle all the duties of those jobs.

Skill deficits obviously limit performance in certain jobs, but the counselor can also show general functional limitations that would apply to any job undertaken. These might include organizational skills, self-image, relationships with others, concentration, attending to task, and following instructions.

Another way to show a vocational impediment is to show the potential of the individual and assess how achieving that potential will be very difficult without special assistance. An individual may have the potential to succeed in a vocation requiring a bachelor's degree, but needs lots of special assistance achieving that degree.

Expectations of the individual and the family are an important consideration. These expectations need to be assessed so that all involved agree upon an achievable outcome. It must also be remembered that the person may have capabilities that can be maximized through alternate techniques or ways of accomplishing tasks.