Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome
Common Functional Limitations
Vocational Impediments
Most individuals with carpal-tunnel syndrome apply for services because the functional limitations caused by the disability make it very difficult or impossible to continue with a current or previous job. Often the physician has recommended a new vocation. In these cases, the vocational impediment seems apparent.
Previous vocational history must, however, be explored to see if there are transferable job skills. Other employment may be consistent with the person's capacities and abilities, but would not require duties that affect the disability.
Would it be possible for the individual to continue in his/her previous occupation with job accommodations or job modifications?
Does the individual have the ability or potential to enter other occupations that do not require additional education, if assisted by vocational rehabilitation?
If it appears that retraining will be necessary, does the individual have the motivation and capability to succeed in a training program?