Common Functional Limitations
Lifting ability
Climbing ability
Walking endurance
Tolerance to temperature changes
Difficulty breathing
Diarrhea or constipation
Vocational Impediments
The key here is to relate the specific functional limitations to the person's ability to get or keep employment. The results or effects of treatment or therapy are an important consideration. There are times when the cure is worse than the disease in creating vocational handicaps. The emotional status of the individual, including anxiety level and depression, may also play an important factor in determining vocational handicap.
The person's prognosis is the primary determiner of the impediments to be faced. Tables showing life expectancy rates for specific cancers are helpful, but should not be relied upon exclusively due to the rapidly improving "cure rate" for many forms of cancer. Instead, the medical information should be reviewed individually with the help of a medical consultant.
You may also consider whether side effects of medical treatment will prevent the individual from participation in or completion of other necessary services. At what stage is the individual in the treatment regime? Are amputations or other disfiguring treatments planned?