6515 - Laryngitis, tuberculous, active or inactive

DBQ: Link to Index of DBQ/Exams by Disability for DC 6515


Laryngitis is inflammation of the larynx following pulmonary tuberculosis. The larynx is the muscular organ made up of cartilage at the upper end of the trachea below the root of the tongue. The larynx is part of the airway, and the organ of the voice. (See Diagnostic Code: 6730 Tuberculosis, pulmonary, chronic, active and Diagnostic Code: 6731 Tuberculosis, pulmonary, chronic, inactive).


Tuberculous laryngitis is caused by the spread of pulmonary tuberculosis to the upper airway. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is characterized by inflammatory infiltration, formation of abscesses, fibrosis, and calcification. Pulmonary tuberculosis most commonly affects the respiratory system.

Signs & Symptoms

Hoarseness, loss of speech sounds from the larynx (aphonia), pain in swallowing, cough, and ulcerations of the larynx are signs and symptoms of the condition. The relatively pale lesions from tuberculosis may be located in the interarytenoid area, vocal cords, epiglottis or false vocal cords, with ulceration occurring.


Tests for the condition are based on the diagnosis of tuberculosis. These tests include a positive tuberculin skin test, acid-fast bacilli in stained smears from sputum or other body fluids, and isolating Mycobacterium tuberculosis on culture.


The treatment for laryngitis includes: complete rest of the voice, liquid or soft diet, steam inhalation, drug therapy to include cough suppressants, and pain medication. The person may also be receiving treatment for tuberculosis.


Residuals for laryngitis caused by tuberculosis may include: chronic huskiness or hoarseness of the voice, difficulty in speaking (dysphonia), and a tickling sensation in the throat. The residuals resulting from tuberculosis may also be present.

Special Considerations

  • This disease, (condition), only in its active form , has a 3 year presumptive period and shall be granted service connection although not otherwise established as incurred in or aggravated by service if manifested to a compensable degree within the applicable time limits under 38 CFR 3.307 following service in a period of war or following peacetime service on or after January 1, 1947, provided the rebuttable presumption provisions of 38 CFR 3.307 are also satisfied. [38 CFR 3.309 [Disease subject to presumptive service connection], 38 CFR 3.309(a). [chronic disease].

  • May be entitled to special monthly compensation where the Veteran has a single service-connected disability rated as 100% with additional service-connected disability or disabilities independently ratable at 60% or more, which are separate and distinct from the 100% service-connected disability and involves different anatomical segments or bodily systems. See  38 CFR 3.350(i)(1) – Special Monthly Compensation (SMC).

  • Consider entitlement to service connection based on chronic effects of exposure to mustard gas and Lewisite under 38 CFR 3.316(a)(2)

  • Consider entitlement for presumptive service connection under 38 CFR 3.317(c) infectious diseases occurring in Persian Gulf Veterans.

  • Review 38 CFR 3.343 for continuance of disability ratings relating to tuberculosis compensation.

  • Review rating considerations relative to tuberculosis found in 38 CFR 3.372 – Initial grant following inactivity of tuberculosis

  • Review 38 CFR 3.375 – Determination of inactivity (complete arrest) in tuberculosis

  • Review rating considerations relative to active tuberculosis found in 38 CFR 3.378 – Changes from activity in pulmonary tuberculosis pension cases.

  • Review rating considerations relative to tuberculosis found in 38 CFR 3.959

  • Review 38 CFR 3.401(g) relating to the effective date of special compensation for arrested tuberculosis

  •  Rating “protected” tuberculosis cases. Public Law 90–493 repealed section 356 of title 38, United States Code which had provided graduated ratings for inactive tuberculosis. The repealed section, however, still applies to the case of any veteran who on August 19, 1968, was receiving or entitled to receive compensation for tuberculosis. The use of the protective provisions of Pub. L. 90–493 should be mentioned in the discussion portion of all ratings in which these provisions are applied. For application in rating cases in which the protective provisions of Pub. L. 90–493 apply the former evaluations pertaining to pulmonary tuberculosis are retained in 38 CFR 4.97.
