6020 - Ectropion

DBQ: Link to Index of DBQ/Exams by Disability for DC 6020


Ectropion is the turning out of the lower eyelid. It is usually bilateral, and frequently found in older people.


The cause may be a relaxation of the orbicularis oculi muscle due to aging or a seventh nerve (facial nerve) palsy.

Signs & Symptoms

Irritation of the lid, tearing, and exposure keratitis (see Diagnostic Code: 6001 Keratopathy) usually occur.


Physical examination of the eyelid and eye, fluorescein staining, and slit lamp examination may be used.


An ectropion caused by contractures requires surgical revision and skin grafting. If the ectropion is of a minor nature electrocautery through the conjunctiva may be done, and the postoperative fibrosis reaction will draw up the lid.


Prior to ectropion repair, exposure keratitis may require lubricants or artificial tears to prevent corneal ulcer development.

Special Considerations

  • None.


  • None.