6202 - Otosclerosis

DBQ: Link to Index of DBQ/Exams by Disability for DC 6202


Otosclerosis, a condition characterized by progressive conductive or mixed hearing loss, is secondary to spongy bone formation in the oval window and ankylosis of the stapes.


The etiology is unknown. However, there is a high familial incidence in women and caucasians.

Signs & Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of the condition may include: a slow, progressive, unilateral or bilateral hearing loss and tinnitus.


Diagnostic tests include otoscopy, tuning fork tests (Rinne and Weber) and diagnostic audiometry.


Surgical removal of the stapes (stapedectomy) and replacement with a prosthesis is the treatment of choice. A hearing aid is an effective alternative.


Residuals may include hearing loss that is amenable to a hearing aid.

Special Considerations

  • Evaluate based on hearing impairment. (38 CFR 4.85 and 38 CFR 4.86).
  • Compensation is payable for the combinations of service-connected and nonservice-connected disabilities specified in 38 CFR 3.383(a)(3) (see below) as if both disabilities were service-connected, provided the nonservice-connected disability is not the result of the veteran's own willful misconduct.
  • Hearing impairment in one ear compensable to a degree of 10 percent or more as a result of service-connected disability and hearing impairment as a result of nonservice-connected disability that meets the provisions of 38 CFR 3.385 in the other ear.
  • This disease shall be granted service connection although not otherwise established as incurred in or aggravated by service if manifested to a compensable degree within the applicable time limits under 38 CFR 3.307 following service in a period of war or following peacetime service on or after January 1, 1947, provided the rebuttable presumption provisions of 38 CFR 3.307 are also satisfied [38 CFR 3.309 [Disease subject to presumptive service connection], 38 CFR 3.309(a) [chronic disease].]


  • If there is continuous SC infection of the upper respiratory tract, the time cited for the purpose of service connecting infection of the second ear should be extended indefinitely.
  • When evaluating any claim for impaired hearing, refer to 38 CFR 3.350  to determine whether the veteran may be entitled to special monthly compensation due either to deafness, or to deafness in combination with other specified disabilities.
  • Evaluation will be based on application of tables VIVIa and VII (38 CFR 4.85) as appropriate.